Thursday, September 19

Writing can be a difficult skill to master, but it doesn’t have to be. Writing is a skill that can be learned. It’s also a skill that can be improved with practice.

Here are five qualities of good writing:

They can tell a story. Their writing engages the reader and makes them want to keep reading. It’s not just the words on the page, but also the way they’re written that draws people in.

They are well-read. Good writers read widely and deeply; they draw inspiration from other authors, as well as life itself.

They are good communicators. They don’t just write stories or essays; they communicate with their readers through language and imagery, making them feel like they’re part of what’s going on in the story or essay — not just an outside observer watching it unfold on paper.

A good writer is passionate about what they write. They want their readers to feel something when they read their work — whether it’s anger, sadness, or joy.

A good writer understands their audience and writes accordingly. If you’re writing for children, then don’t use complicated words or get too technical with your subject matter — write simply but powerfully! If you’re writing for adults, then do the opposite — use complex language but make sure it’s appropriate for your audience (and consistent with the rest of your brand).

Active voice makes your sentences more interesting and easier to read than passive voice does. In passive voice, the subject receives the action of the verb in the sentence whereas, in active voice, it does so itself. For example, I was bought by him at 100cedi (passive) versus He bought me for 100cedi (active). So whenever possible use active voice instead of passive voice in your sentences as it makes your writing lively and easy to read.

Being able to communicate effectively through the written word is a skill that is both valuable and highly useful.



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