Monday, January 6

When you’re dating, you have the opportunity to meet a wide variety of men. And the good news is that there are many wonderful, entertaining, and caring men out there. But, beware, there are seven different personalities to avoid if you don’t want to be surprised or brokenhearted.

The Liar

Dating someone you can’t rely on and who isn’t honest or forthright with you is difficult and emotionally draining. When you’re dating a liar, he’ll frequently make promises he can’t keep, fabricate stories that aren’t true, and keep you in the dark about who he really is. When a guy freely and willingly deceives you, it’s a dead giveaway that he can’t be trusted, especially since trust is the foundation of every happy, fulfilling, and healthy relationship. You must be able to rely on him as your partner for your relationship to flourish. And if you’re dating a guy who is prone to lying and making up stories, it’s time to call it quits.

The Emotionally Unavailable Guy

Dating a man who is emotionally cut off and detached can be difficult. He may never open up to you, share his thoughts, or be vulnerable in your presence. And if you want a deep and meaningful relationship, it’s best to avoid emotionally unavailable men because they’ll never fully let you in. For example, if he keeps you at arm’s length and never lets his guard down around you, your relationship will never be able to progress because you will never get to know the true person he is on the inside.

The Selfish Guy

Is the guy you’re dating only concerned with himself? If you’re dating someone who prioritizes his needs over yours, shows little interest in you and your interests, and thinks he’s the greatest guy on the planet, it’s time to realize you’re dating someone selfish and arrogant. When a guy has an overinflated ego and tries to show you that he’s an expert at everything, you should stop dating him. While confidence is appealing, it is not appealing to be with someone who has an overinflated sense of self and is unconcerned about your needs and desires.

The Guy Who Strings You Along

Because there are so many different people and options in the dating pool, dating someone on and off for an extended period of time is not uncommon. For example, you might go on a few dates with someone and then not hear from him again until weeks later, and it’s often a late-night text. To avoid being treated as disposable by a guy who only contacts you when he wants to, when he’s bored, or when he’s looking to hook up, you should find a guy who prioritizes having you in his life.

Instead of being just another name in his phone, you should avoid this type of guy and find someone with whom you truly connect.

The Controlling Guy

Have you ever been told by the guy you’re dating who you can and cannot talk to, or what you can and cannot wear? Controlling men try to dominate and intimidate you, and they are frequently jealous and suspicious of your relationships with other people, as well as trying to keep tabs on you at all times. If you believe you are being bullied or manipulated by the guy you’re dating, you should end all contact immediately because this is a form of abuse. You are your own person, and you are the only one who can decide what you can and cannot do.

The Player

When you like the guy you’re dating, you might want to take your relationship to the next level. If you’re dating a player, however, this next stage of your relationship may never come. Guys who are players want to keep your relationship on the surface, which is why they are often evasive about their whereabouts, constantly text others, and dismiss the idea of introducing you to friends and family. If you want a long-term, committed relationship, you should leave the player you’re with and try to meet someone who is also looking for a deep and meaningful connection.

 The Guy Who Puts in No Effort 

When it comes to dating, the guy isn’t the only one who should put forth the effort. However, if you’re the one who constantly contacts him, has to make plans, and frequently feels as if you have to do everything to keep your connection alive, this is a guy you should avoid. You and the guy you’re dating must both work hard to spend time together and get to know each other. However, when you do all of the giving and receive nothing in return, this is not a healthy dynamic. If a guy appears uninterested in spending time with you, it’s time to find someone else to spend your time with.


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