Saturday, September 7

Burkina Faso is currently in concern as Ablasse Ouedraogo, a former foreign minister turned opposition leader, has been missing for three days. Reports from his party reveal that he was taken from his residence by individuals claiming to be police.

Ouedraogo, with a notable background as the deputy director general of the World Trade Organization and previous roles at the African Development Bank, is presently leading the opposition party Le Faso Autrement. He has been openly critical of the military regime that assumed power in Burkina after a coup in September 2022.

Earlier plans in November involved deploying the 70-year-old Ouedraogo to the front lines in Burkina Faso’s fight against terrorism. This decision was made by the military, raising concerns as his political party condemned the move, viewing it as a form of retaliation for Ouedraogo’s vocal critique of the nation’s authorities.

Human Rights Watch reported in November that the military had enlisted several dissidents, including Ouedraogo, to join forces with militants. Le Faso Autrement issued a statement on Tuesday, stating that Ouedraogo was taken from his home in Ouagadougou on Sunday evening by individuals who identified themselves as members of the national police.

Since then, the party has received no information about his location and has been unable to establish contact with him. Concerns are growing, and the party is urging for Ouedraogo’s immediate release without any conditions. The situation is causing heightened tension in Burkina Faso as uncertainty surrounds the fate of this prominent opposition figure.


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