Sunday, September 8

In China, a woman known as Ms. Liu has stirred up a heated debate by leaving her entire $2.8 million fortune to her cats and dogs, completely excluding her three children.

Initial reports suggest that Ms. Liu had originally included her children in her will, which was drawn up a few years ago. However, she recently made significant amendments, cutting out her children entirely and naming her cherished pets as the sole beneficiaries. This dramatic change reportedly stems from Ms. Liu’s feelings of neglect by her children, especially during her illness. She asserts that they rarely reached out to her and provided minimal support.

According to the amended will, all of Ms. Liu’s assets are earmarked for the care of her current pets and any future offspring they may have. A local veterinary clinic has been entrusted with administering the inheritance, tasked with ensuring the well-being of the animals and managing the funds allocated for their care.

While some applaud Ms. Liu’s decision to prioritize the animals that offered her companionship and emotional solace, others view it as an act of defiance against her children, regardless of their past actions.


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