Sunday, September 8

Ugandan Forces Eliminate Militants Responsible for Tourist Killings.

Ugandan troops have successfully neutralized at least 11 militants, including those responsible for the tragic murder of two tourists and their tour guide at the Queen Elizabeth National Park last month. The victims, British citizen David Barlow and his South African wife, Emmaretia Geyer, were tragically killed during their honeymoon in the attack by the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF). The Ugandan tour guide, Eric Alyai, also lost his life in the same incident, leaving behind a wife and a one-year-old child.

Responding swiftly, the Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF) launched a significant operation to track down the militants responsible for this heinous act. According to UPDF spokesperson Lt Col Deo Akiiki, the attackers were apprehended on Tuesday night near Lake Edward, close to the border with the Democratic Republic of Congo.

“It’s important to note that this group was involved in the tourist murders. The operation is ongoing to eliminate all the splinter groups of ADF,” Lt Col Akiiki emphasized.

The ADF is an insurgent group linked to the Islamic State, primarily active in eastern DR Congo but also with a presence in western Uganda. In June, ADF fighters carried out a devastating raid on a Ugandan school, resulting in the tragic loss of 41 children.


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