Tomike Adeoye, the renowned Nigerian media personality, actress, and digital content creator, hosted a vibrant Owambe-themed gathering named ‘Party with Olori Ebi’ on November 30, 2023, in the bustling city of Lagos, making waves across various social media platforms for days.
The event witnessed a dazzling assembly of stars, with influencers and fans alike gracing the festivities. Notable personalities like VeeKee James, Alex Unusual, Elozonam, Layi Wasabi, and Enioluwa Adeoluwa added to the star-studded guest list. As always, here at Blinkscop Style, we are shining a spotlight on the stunning Ankara fashion that adorned the attendees.
If you’re on the lookout for the perfect Ankara inspiration for your next visit to the tailor, your search concludes right here.