Sunday, September 8

Sierra Leone’s President, Julius Maada Bio, addressed the nation on Thursday, highlighting drug abuse as a pressing concern and declaring it a “national emergency.” He specifically addressed the rise of Kush, a synthetic drug popular among the youth in the country.

President Bio emphasized the urgent need to address the widespread use of drugs, particularly Kush, stating, “It is my solemn duty as president… to declare a national emergency on drug abuse.”

To combat this issue, President Bio announced the formation of a task force comprising government agencies and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). This task force will be responsible for implementing prevention strategies, providing treatment and social services support, enforcing laws, and engaging with communities.

Additionally, President Bio stated that his government is actively working to dismantle drug trafficking networks. This commitment was underscored by a recent police seizure of two containers filled with Kush in Freetown, the capital city. Police Commissioner Joseph Lahai confirmed the seizure and reported that seven suspects had been apprehended in connection with the case.


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