Sunday, September 8

“The Game of Thrones is often compared to politics, as it’s said to be a battle for power. In this game, leaders compete to become the king or queen. As per party constitutions, a leader must be elected to represent the party in general elections, which are held every four years on December 4th. Each party strives to find a suitable candidate who has the zeal and capabilities to compete with candidates from other parties.

Power, they say, is strength. It has the ability to influence and control others, making things happen. The desire for power can sometimes push individuals to do things that may harm or distract people, but ultimately, they aim to come out on top. Many candidates highlight the weaknesses of their citizens and offer donations to the poor and homeless to gain sympathy. Some even resort to buying votes.

At the end of the day, the person who holds the reins of power determines the outcome. It’s all about having the necessary tools to ascend the throne. Policies, presented as manifestos, a major tool for politicians. They address the people’s problems and make grand promises, while also providing assistance with their needs. Whether or not they fulfill these promises is a question we should all ask ourselves.

The road to the 2024 elections a journey to crown the Queen or king .


Mariam Mohammed Alidu


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