Sunday, September 8

UN’s World Food Programme Resumes Critical Aid to Ethiopia’s Tigray Region.

After a two-month pause triggered by concerns about diverted donations, the UN’s World Food Programme (WFP) has taken the decision to recommence critical food assistance to Ethiopia. The resumption of aid arrives as a response to the dire circumstances in Tigray, a region situated in the northern part of the country. Tigray has been grappling with the aftermath of a brutal two-year civil war, which concluded in November of the previous year, leaving tens of thousands of civilians deceased.

In light of this ongoing crisis, the WFP has introduced a new monitoring process for the distribution of supplies in Tigray. The initial phase involves the provision of “15kg pre-packed bags of wheat to just over 100,000 people,” offering incremental assistance to those in need.

While this action is indeed a step in the right direction, the larger picture remains concerning. Millions of individuals across Ethiopia are still at risk of facing severe food shortages, underscoring the critical importance of continued aid efforts.

However, it’s notable that USAid, an organization that similarly halted food supplies to Ethiopia during the same period as the WFP, has expressed no intention to resume its operations, as stated by officials on Tuesday. The complex landscape of humanitarian aid in Ethiopia continues to evolve, and the global community watches with hope for increased relief efforts to address the country’s pressing needs.


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