Sunday, September 8

Nollywood actor Baaj Adebule recently shared his thoughts on marriage and virginity, expressing a perspective that might surprise some. In a candid interview with Pulse, Adebule revealed that he isn’t keen on marrying a virgin.

His reasoning stems from his past experiences, where he found the process of deflowering a woman to be emotionally challenging. Reflecting on his own journey, he described it as “traumatic.” Adebule highlighted that while society often focuses on the woman’s perspective in such situations, the emotional toll on the man is often overlooked.

Acknowledging the value of personal choices, Adebule likened virginity to other personal achievements, such as maintaining physical fitness. He emphasized the importance of being proud of one’s choices, suggesting that the discipline required to maintain virginity is commendable.

In essence, while Adebule may not prioritize marrying a virgin himself, he respects and acknowledges the significance of such a personal choice. He encourages individuals to take pride in their decisions, whether they align with societal norms or not.


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