Sunday, September 8

A Filipino drag queen faces arrest for the second time over his rendition of the Lord’s Prayer, sparking widespread controversy in the devoutly religious nation.

Amadeus Fernando Pagente, known by his drag name Pura Luka Vega, was apprehended late Thursday and charged with three counts related to “immoral doctrines, obscene publications and exhibitions, and indecent shows,” according to police statements on Friday.

The offense, which mirrors the charges Pagente faced in October, carries a potential jail term of up to 12 years.

Supporters of Pagente have taken to social media to rally funds for his 360,000 pesos ($6,425) bail, set by the court.

A video of Pagente’s performance, which went viral in July 2023, triggered outrage among the country’s religious communities, viewing it as a disrespectful act.

Pagente, who identifies with he, she, and they pronouns, has faced severe backlash, including being declared “persona non grata” in multiple cities and receiving numerous death threats and hateful messages on social media.

Despite the controversy, Pagente, in a recent interview with AFP, revealed his deep Catholic faith and explained that his rendition of the Lord’s Prayer aimed to inspire faith among LGBTQ individuals who have often felt marginalized by the Church.

The Philippines, with nearly 80 percent of its population identifying as Catholic, faces growing tensions surrounding LGBTQ rights.

LGBTQ advocacy group Bahaghari condemned Pagente’s latest arrest, describing it as an “assault on LGBTQI people’s expression of their relationship with faith and religion.”


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