Sunday, September 8

Navy Officer Found Guilty in Gambia’s Foiled Coup

A junior navy officer, identified by The Gambia’s government as the main orchestrator of a failed coup in December last year, has been convicted of treason and handed a 12-year prison sentence by a high court. The court’s ruling on Tuesday affirmed that Lance Corporal Sanna Fadera was responsible for plotting and attempting to unlawfully overthrow the democratically elected government of President Adama Barrow.

In connection with the 2022 coup attempt, Fadera and seven other soldiers faced charges of treason, conspiracy, and inciting mutiny. However, the court cleared three other military officers of all charges. One soldier remains at large and is currently considered a fugitive.

Additionally, a police officer and two civilians, who were accused of concealing treason and conspiring to commit felony, were also acquitted by the court.

Prior to President Barrow assuming office, The Gambia was under the rule of Yahya Jammeh for two decades, following his seizure of power in a 1994 coup. Jammeh successfully thwarted multiple attempts to overthrow him before losing the 2016 election.


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