Sunday, September 8

Nigerian artist Adekunle Kosoko, widely known as Adekunle Gold, recently shared a message of encouragement to individuals battling Sickle Cell Anaemia.

Gold, who has lived with the condition since birth, took a moment during his recent performance to address fellow sickle cell survivors and offer words of motivation.

Addressing the crowd, he expressed solidarity with those facing the challenges of sickle cell, emphasizing his personal journey and resilience. Despite his diagnosis, Gold emphasized his ability to manage the condition and lead a fulfilling life.

He urged fellow survivors not to be defined or limited by their health condition, highlighting his own experiences of overcoming crises and pursuing his dreams.

In a newsletter released in 2022, Gold candidly discussed his lifelong battle with sickle cell anaemia, shedding light on the limitations and challenges he faced during his childhood.

Reflecting on his early years, he recalled the restrictions imposed by his condition, such as avoiding activities like playing in the rain to prevent crises.

Gold lamented the loss of childhood freedoms and friendships due to sickle cell disease, acknowledging the misunderstandings and misconceptions surrounding his illness.

Despite these setbacks, Gold’s message remains one of resilience and perseverance, inspiring others to defy limitations and pursue their aspirations despite the obstacles they face.


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