Nigerian comedy sensation, Ayo Makun, commonly known as AY, faces social media backlash following a recent post confirming the end of his marriage with Mabel Makun. Rumors circulating suggest the celebrity couple split due to alleged infidelity.
In a heartfelt Instagram statement on Sunday, AY acknowledged the marital turmoil but expressed his reluctance to air personal family matters publicly. He admitted to engaging in regrettable actions and lamented the unraveling of his 20-year marriage and friendship.
In an unexpected turn, AY shared a video collage of his beautiful 15-year-old daughter on his Instagram, captioned, “Benefits…” However, this post drew criticism from many Nigerians, cautioning AY against involving his children in the aftermath of his marriage breakdown.
One commenter, favour_limiless, advised against using children as weapons during marital crises, emphasizing the multifaceted benefits of marriage beyond offspring. Others echoed similar sentiments, denouncing AY’s caption as prideful and insensitive, urging him to prioritize his daughter’s well-being and privacy.
Despite the respect many hold for AY, the consensus among commenters was that the post was unnecessary and potentially harmful to his daughter’s mental health. Some appealed to AY’s sense of responsibility and urged him to seek reconciliation with his estranged wife for the sake of their children.
In this challenging time, AY’s fans hope he’ll consider their heartfelt advice and prioritize his family’s emotional welfare above all else.