Nollywood actor Gideon Okeke has declared that his colleague, Zubby Michael, holds the title of the biggest Nollywood star. Recall earlier this year, during the premiere episode of Prime Video’s original reality show, Ebuka Turns Up Africa, Zubby Michael and Timini Egbuson clashed over who holds the top position as Africa’s leading actor.
Egbuson argued he outshines Zubby in terms of movie quality, box office success, and recognition from industry experts, while Zubby maintained he’s the richer and more successful of the two.
Taking to his Instagram story, Gideon Okeke stated, “Zubby Michael is the biggest Nollywood star. But like Elizabeth, I know what Mary is carrying. God’s expression resonates in different ways.”
“It only takes humility to submit to praise, to God. Keep soaring, my brother. I see you.”