Legendary actor Al Pacino and his girlfriend, Noor Alfallah, have joyfully welcomed their newborn son, Roman, into the world. This delightful news was confirmed by Pacino’s representative in an interview with CBS News.
At 83 years old, Pacino is renowned for his iconic roles in beloved films like “Heat,” “The Godfather,” and “Dog Day Afternoon.” Alongside his illustrious acting career, he is also a proud father of four. Alfallah, who is 29 years old, is a talented producer credited for her work on two short films, namely “Le Petit Mort” and “Brosa Nostra.” Prior to this, she held the position of vice president at Lynda Obst Productions in Sony.
According to reports from Entertainment Tonight, Pacino and Alfallah have been in a romantic relationship since April 2022, adding another layer of happiness to their lives.
Roman Marks is the fourth child of Pacino, joining his other cherished children. He has a 33-year-old daughter named Julie Marie and 22-year-old twins, Anton James and Olivia Rose, who bring immense joy and pride to the acclaimed actor’s life.