The “Stone of Destiny,” an ancient symbol of the Scottish monarchy, was on its way from Edinburgh Castle to London on Friday to take part in King Charles III’s coronation on May 6. The stone, also known as the “Stone of Scone,” was used for the coronation of Scottish kings until it was seized by the then-King of England, Edward I, more than 700 years ago.
The 335-pound stone was then kept in Westminster Abbey until 1996 when it was permanently returned to Scotland. However, it was agreed at the time of its return that it would be returned to England for future coronation ceremonies.
The trip to the north in 1996, however, was not the stone’s first visit to Scotland. Several years before Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation, in 1950, four students from Glasgow broke into Westminster Abbey and stole the stone.
“The Stone of Destiny is Scotland’s icon,” said Ian Hamilton, the group’s late leader who died last year. “During one of the many English invasions of Scotland, they took away the symbol of our nation.” Bringing it back was a symbolic gesture.”
The stone was eventually returned to Westminster Abbey and reincorporated into the Coronation Chair the following year. It was included in Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation two years later, in 1953.
Before the stone’s return to London for King Charles’ coronation, a ceremony was held at Edinburgh Castle. It was then transported to London in a special carrier made of Scottish oak.
It will be returned to Edinburgh Castle after King Charles’ coronation, where it will be kept alongside Scotland’s crown jewels.