Rafella Santos, the younger sister of Neymar, recently shared glimpses of her leisure time with her followers on social media. In her Instagram stories, the influencer expressed her enjoyment of a few relaxing days. During her current vacation in Miami, the Brazilian beauty surprised her followers with a stunning bikini photo that showcased her sun-kissed glow. Fans couldn’t help but admire her swimsuit and enviable figure.
📸 | Rafaella Santos via Instagram Feed. pic.twitter.com/04Njjb8rJt
— CENTRAL RAFAELLA (@rafaellacentral) June 12, 2023
Rafaella’s two snapshots in a sleek black swimsuit received enthusiastic responses from her admirers. Comments such as “You look stunning!” and “Love you, baby” flooded in. It’s worth mentioning that Rafaella has often been playfully blamed for her brother’s injuries. On her birthdays, Neymar, the PSG player, makes it a point to travel to Brazil and celebrate with his youngest sibling in a grand manner.
Rafaella está em Miami 🇺🇲
📸 | Rafaella Santos via Instagram Feed. pic.twitter.com/eGn57kIsqX
— CENTRAL RAFAELLA (@rafaellacentral) June 12, 2023