WhatsApp Introduces HD Video Support for iOS and Android Users
WhatsApp has taken another step towards enhancing user experience by now offering support for HD videos on its platform. Building on the recent addition of HD photo sharing, the messaging app is now allowing users to share high-definition videos with friends and family. This move comes shortly after WhatsApp’s announcement that HD video support would be implemented following the HD photo feature.
With this update, users can preserve the superior quality of their videos by choosing to share them in high definition. Unlike before, where videos were compressed to 480p, users can now opt to share videos in HD, up to a resolution of 720p.
Using the same approach as for HD photos, sharing HD videos involves selecting the video or videos and then tapping the new HD button situated at the top of the screen. A dialog box will pop up, offering the choice between Standard Quality and HD Quality, along with their respective file sizes. After making the selection, the video can be shared as usual.
Notably, WhatsApp ensures the security of both images and videos shared on its platform with end-to-end encryption.
Recipients of these HD videos will notice a small HD badge on the shared content, indicating that the video is of higher quality. This allows them to decide whether they have sufficient storage space and bandwidth to view the video in HD quality at that moment.
The rollout of this feature is currently underway, so users who haven’t received it yet can expect it to arrive on their devices soon.