A grim discovery unfolded in the suburban streets of Kasoa, located in the Central Region, as the lifeless body of a young woman, believed to be in her 20s, was found concealed within a sack that had been carelessly discarded in a roadside container in American Town.
Reported by Jacob Kubi of UTV, the eerie episode commenced when the community started noticing a noxious odor permeating the air during the morning hours, with its intensity escalating as the afternoon unfolded. Initially, locals speculated that the stench might have been the result of someone slaughtering an animal, causing the putrid scent to hang over the vicinity. However, as the smell grew increasingly overpowering, the community members decided to investigate further.
To their shock, they traced the source of the stench to a roadside container that had, for some time, served as a grocery shop but had fallen into disuse. Fueling their suspicion, they called upon the assemblyman for the area, and, under his supervision, the container was forcibly unlocked with the assistance of Unit Committee Members and other individuals. To their dismay, they discovered a sack inside, with a human knee protruding from it. The harrowing conclusion was that someone had potentially taken another person’s life and concealed the body within the container. The authorities were promptly alerted, and the police were dispatched to the scene.
Woman allegedly murdered and dumped in container at Kasoa American Town#UTVNews pic.twitter.com/y8vYTD935u
— UTV Ghana (@utvghana) October 24, 2023
According to Jacob Kubi, upon extracting the body from the sack, it appeared as though a part of the deceased’s face had sustained significant trauma, possibly from a blunt object.
An ongoing investigation is now in progress to unravel the circumstances surrounding the tragic demise of the young woman. Residents maintain that she was not a familiar face within the community.
This distressing incident has cast a pall of shock and sorrow over the community, with many expressing their concerns that the tarnished reputation that Kasoa has gained in recent times is now encroaching upon its suburban areas.